Applicants for this small game and fishing license must be a resident of South Dakota and meet at least one of the following conditions:
Has a total disability (limited to a wheelchair and permanently physically unable to walk);
Provide a copy of a letter from the VA indicating they have received the “K” award, or they receive a veteran’s allotment for a total (40 percent) disability which is deemed a service-related injury and will meet eligibility as established in state law 41-6-10.2;
Provide a copy of their summary of benefits letter from the Social Security Administration indicating they are receiving a 40 percent Social Security disability and verification they have served on active duty in the Armed Forces or as a member of the Armed Forces Reserve or National Guard; or
Provide a copy of the discharge papers showing their former status as a Prisoner of War.
Reduced Fee Permits
Disabled Veterans Reduced Fee Hunting and Fishing Application
Total Disability Application
Available to any person who is incapable of using a conventional bow with a minimum draw weight of 30 pounds, due to the loss of use of one or both arms, caused by birth defect, injury, disease, or who uses a wheelchair for mobility. This permit is not a license. Applicants must acquire the appropriate archery license for the season and area they are hunting.
Crossbar Draw-Lock Permit
Available to any person, who:
Is blind/visually impaired as defined by the state of South Dakota or to any person with paralysis of all four limbs. This permit is not a license. Applicants must be legally licensed for the specific season hunted. The permittee must be in immediate physical presence of the designated shooter and participates in the hunt.
Reduced Fee Permits
Authorizes any individual with a qualifying disability to lawfully shoot game animals from a stationary motor vehicle. The vehicle must be pulled over to the shoulder of the road and placed in park. Individuals can not shoot across the road. This includes big game animals such as deer, antelope, elk, and turkey, and small game animals such as grouse, pheasants, partridge, rabbits, and waterfowl. The hunter will need to obtain the required state licenses for whatever species are to be hunted. This permit is intended for use in situations where an applicant’s physical or medical condition makes it impossible or causes severe pain or physical hardship on the applicant, when walking afield while hunting.
Shoot from Vehicle Permit
Available to a person with a valid fishing license, or who is exempt from licensing requirements, who has a physical or developmental disability that prevents them from being able to perform any of the activities associated with fishing. The permit allows another person to assist the permitted individual while fishing, in accordance with existing regulations, and without the need to possess a valid fishing license. The permit limitations or guidelines specify what a person legally can and cannot do while in possession of an Angler Assistance Permit.
Persons applying for a temporary or permanent permit shall complete this application and must have Part C of the application form completed and signed by a licensed physician, verifying the applicant’s medical condition or disability.
Angler Assistance Permit
Application for Angler Assistance Permit